Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's official ~ classes are over ----- only 3 days to work and then a 4 day vacation... weee!!

Trying very hard to NOT THINK about up coming classes ... work...... new car possiblities... Joe's college application.....eeekk... so much more... NONONONONONONONONON... just R&R.

:) wishing everyone..... all the very beary best..

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!!!

It's been AWHILE since my last post. So much going on. School, Work, Family!

My son will be graduating from high school in six months. It's very scary to me.. yet exciting too.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday season. More updates to come.

Friday, July 17, 2009

VACATION ALL I EVER WANTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally - time off from work ..... biking, movies, Harry Potter, games, tennis, cool summer breeze or is it fall already - ...beautiful ...napping, sleeping....... clear skies....

Rethinking school....i guess it's still am......

going to paint today!!!!

hope you enjoyed this ramdom post

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summertime, when the living is easy.....??

It's hard to believe that it's July. Lots of things, thoughts ..ideas have been going on in my head.

Here's a list....of current summer happenings and thoughts:

painting - new art and furniture
creating - new paintings
decorating - living room
shopping - new sheets, new kitchen things, new dressers....
reading - marketing
studying - business
reconsidering - teaching?
watching - movies
working - new office, training new employees, reorganzing
tennis - fun and exercise
biking - more fun and exercise
martinis - those olives
vacationing - coming soon ... yeah!!!!!
eating - learning limits and what I really "like" to eat
rethinking - who I am... what I want

Not sure where this is all going. Also realizing that long term planning doesn't work..only plan is short bursts.

That's all for now..... time for more laundry and the Office Marathon... out R&R.

Monday, May 11, 2009


ok - i'll stop for a moment. mostly i am yelling ( and yes, this is me whispering - i know... extremes right? ) because i finished my first semester back to school - i still don't have my grades which is making me a bit uneasy but they will be here soon enough. i am signed up for classes in the fall so i have the summer to focus... on .. just ... AAAAHHHHH... work ---- which... i am not happy with for many reasons.. and i am totally torn about my decision to be an art teacher, even though i know... that what i do not is not really for me, it just pays the bills. i want to be creating....all sorts of thoughts have been flooding my mind since my last final was over. i definitely enjoy teaching art... i feel a natural connection to it but.... i also feel like... it may not be challenging enough in the long run.. but you can't see that far.. have to have your 5 year.. then 10 year out plans i guess... be business minded about it... plus may is crazy... to teenagers having birthdays, one getting his driver's licence and a car... the other wants to get a job like big bro .. she is seeing the financial fruits of his labor.. and she wants it too... hubby and i want to get bikes.. and i want to lose like .. 50 lbs... wow ! .... ok.. maybe this has helped me to stop yelling for now.. but i truly feel the need to run up and down the street.. screamming at the top of my lungs... not for attention.. i just need to let it all out....... or drink heavily..... PS.. HOPE YOU LIKE THE NEW LOOK.. IT WILL BE GETTING MORE INTERESTING .. PROMISE!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring ... is .... coming... weeeee.....

Well the weather is warmer today, cloudy, humid... warmmmmmm. I have not been enjoying the cold weather this year.

Spring break is over for me and classes started back. I am glad. My new class starts next week and I can't wait to see how that goes.

Nothing much else to write about.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

educational psych, carpal pain and getting organized

January has been a busy month with going back to school and getting back into the swing of things at work.

My only problem with work in my hand/arm/ shoulder and neck are killing me, but my husband keeps me focused on the healing aspects of the pain. Today it is better. I have been using my left hand all week long at work with the mouse and it has been very frustrating even though I use it that way at home on the weekends. Work is high pressure though and I have found that all the knowledge is somehow locked in my right hand or I guess my left brain. My husband is encouraging me to stick with using my left and assures me that using my right brain more at work will give me a new perspective. Sounds good.

The class I am taking is Educational Psych. It's interesting and I am looking forward to my field hours in February. The idea of teaching art is really exciting to me. I can't wait, even though I have too. I have all sorts of ideas to share and see how students respond.

As far as getting organized. We are doing some of that at home and I am working to become better organized at work as well. I just know I can be more efficient.

I want to do a new banner for Valentine's Day but not sure if I will have the time. We will see - signing off - Crabby Monkey - OUT! ;)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, I think that says it all for now! :)