Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fall to Winter Update ----

Wrapping up student teaching

Looking for Art job

Planning on sleeping alot --- I need sleep

Finishing portfolio

Getting Kai ready for college

Seeing Joe and Bubbles for Thanksgiving and Xmas

Looking forward to seeing my grand-dog :)

Enjoying the dreary cold - yippie!



READING -- Fiction... wow!


Soups and other comfort foods --- Yummy

Baking Bread ! :) To share with new art buddies :) - I can't wait

Enjoying the breath.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Update

Summer - Hot

Teaching - Art

Kids - Good

Hubby - Home

That's the highlights. More to come.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Change will come, oh change WILL come.....

Well where to start. Last Friday, Jan 28 - I got a shocking bit of news - the company I have worked for - for the last 4 years - laid me off, along with about 9 others.

The shock is wearing off and the reminders of "everything happens for a reason" & "it's probably for the best" & to quote my aunt "one door closes and a new one opens" (love that one!).

Remembering to breathe and that money flows like the breath and being open to new possiblities.

I had planned on jumping right into observing this week but my daughter has been home sick so, as blessings go, Thank You God - for this time to heal. There is always next week.

Plus I want to teach!!!! I know it IS my vocation. Amen!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow, Spring 2011 semester begins, student teaching on the horizon........

Well it's January---- February is already just around the corner. This semester looks to be the most jam packed yet. 71 hours of observation needed for student teaching, 9 hours of classes, 35 + hours of work required to stay fulltime, TEAC, finished portfolio, PLT test.... kids, bills, house and work. Hubby still out of town, son off at college - just me and cutie pie.

I just hope and pray that I can get through it all with my sanity and my health in tact.

I'm trying to breathe more - take things one day at a time and NOT procrastinate. Get my rest, vitamins, eat healthy.. think positively.


thanks universe. vb