Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hearts, home ownership and ............

I have been looking at homes to purchase lately. I have seen two that I thought had great potential but ... were sadly disappointments. Boy it's exhausting getting your hopes up. Then there is the question of should you buy a house in this area.. yikes... more to worry about.. and more yada yada yada.

Along with this it's almost Valentine's Day - not really a big deal but I like the holiday just because spring is almost here. I have enjoyed the cold less and less this year. I want it to be warm.

Classes are stressful, work is stressful, I just need some relief. I feel that finally having a house of my own, especially with Joe leaving for college would be a good way to plant myself.

Not much else to say except that I am tired today and need to do some laundry, homework and straighten things up a bit.

sorry this is soooo boring.

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