Saturday, October 4, 2008


Autumn is here. Yippie! It has to be the best time of year. School is new, new friends, new adventures, nature is letting go of summer and preparing for winter, goblins and ghouls are out looking for some fun, we all start to nessle in for warmth and family closeness. I hope that I can do some new things in 2009.

Here is a list of what I'm wanting to do:

Go back to school to work on becoming a certified art teacher (degree number 2).

Start painting the work I have been thinking about for many years since my mom passed.

Be more accepting of my own feelings.

Be more honest with myself and others about what I need, want, think.....

Be more open artistically.

Let go of feeling like I have to "fit in" somewhere.

Recently I watched Art:21. It was very eye opening for me as an artist.

I hope to post more soon. ttfn

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