Friday, January 1, 2010


2010 - 10 years ago I graduated from Brescia University with my BA in Art, moved to Akron, Ohio, and move in with my fiance.

Alot has changed in 10 years - my son will graduate from high school this year, he will leave for college, my daughter turns 16, I will be 42 this year, I have worked at my current job for over 3 years now, Chris and I will celebrate 9 years of marriage this year. Wow! lots happening. Plus taking the GRE this year and trying to get a new car.

Also I want a new job. I have refrained from speaking this way but basically there are certain 'things' about my job (not the work really~ just situations/people) that I do not like, that is against my moral character and violates my personal ethics.

Because of this I must find a new job. 2010 --- it the year to do it. Plus I plan to reach out to people who I have not spoken to in a while and take better care of myself via losing some weight and doing a better job at managing stress and letting myself be sad, or happy or mad when I feel it.

1/1/10 - I feel sad --- sad about my job. I also feel happy ---- happy about my family, school and myself. So that job has to change.

In the new year I hope to be more creative and more happy and content, and continue to enjoy my family and their warm love, smiles, laughter, silliness..... have fun with them. Amen.

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